Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012

surah al'kafirun

Surah Al-kafirun
"TRUTH denier"
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

With the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Surah is about an incident when some pagans seek a dialogue with the Prophet in order to impose his order the Muslims back to the old habits of idolatry. They propose to worship God for one year, following the teachings of the Prophet, and the following year they all, including the Prophet and the Muslims, worshiping their idols traditional. Thus they will be changing the practice of worship until proven true one way on one side. Thus, according to the minds of the unbelievers, if true teachings of the Prophet, they would benefit from following the teachings of the Prophet, but, if true pagan practices, they and the Muslims would benefit from idols. This Surah mempakan answers from those who believe and have faith in those who have no faith.
قل يا أيها الكافرون

1. Say: O people who deny the truth (infidel)!
لا أعبد ما تعبدون

2. I do not worship what you worship,

It is an expression of affirmation of the faith, who believed that he would receive and feel the grace of the Almighty Creator. Therefore he tells the heathen, 'I do not worship what you worship.' People who believe, instead, direct worship inner source of food, which keeps them out of the darkness that surrounds others and who gave him the light and enlightenment. The source adds faith through 'ubudiyah (worship) and protect her from harm. Worship makes the journey mu'abbad (easy, smooth, no resistance). With humility he lifted progressively closer to the water source.
ولا أنتم عابدون ما أعبد

3. And you do not worship what I worship.

In other words: You do not have a path to the source that I worship, because you do not worship the subtle energy that emits all properties.
ولا أنا عابد ما عبدتم

4. And I will not worship what you worship,

It never will, and never can be, once enlightened, once opened, after knowing God, honor or worship what you worship.
ولا أنتم عابدون ما أعبد

5. And you will not worship what you worship akn.

In the future, you too will never worship what I worship truth. It is forecast that shows that people are in disbelief will remain in disbelief. There are people that have been created as the fuel of hell, as repeatedly stated in the Qur'an, and this fact can not be changed. They will remain so even though we asked them not to do that, although every effort is made to pull them into the light din.
لكم دينكم ولي دين

6. For you your religion and to me my religion!

The believer is in a perfect sobriety and people who know that everything is in the hands of God concluded, "You have my own way, the way that you choose to replenish yourself and interact with others, in whatever form you think is the absolute , and I have my own way! ' Then the people who have faith and believe firmly holding hands following the method of the model has been disempumakan Muhammad. They are not lit from outside; lighting they come from within. They walked along the oceanfront of light, and the beaches there are limits. This is the way of the believers, j'alan perfect faith. []

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