Minggu, 25 November 2012

example present continnous tense

20. example Present Continuous Tense
  1. I am reading this book now
  2. It's raining now
  3. Jack is sleeping now
  4. Dewi is working on that task
  5. We were watching a movie on TV
  6. They're playing ball in the yard now
  7. The teacher was explaining the lesson
  8. We are reading a newspaper now
  9. Budi, To'o and Aan is discussing right now
  10. Is Mrs. Wulan cooking in the kitchen ?
  11. Ulis Juwanda, Ajat and Sule are studying their homework at the moment
  12. Mr. Asep is not going to campus
  13. Mr. Noey is writting a letter
  14. Rizal is watching a football match on TV
  15. Do you hear something ? 
  16. My brother is leaving for Campus by motorcycle this afternoon
  17. Are They seeing the Movie tonight ?
  18. He always forgot to bring books
  19. Mr. Tatang was teaching English in campus right now
  20. She is not staying in Bekasi

dialogue with a friend

Dialogue with a Friend

Vijay : Hello, Karthik! I visited your house yesterday. You weren’t there. Where did you go?
Karthik : I went to see the football match between our school and Brindavan school. I left home very early.
Vijay : How was the match? Was it interesting yesterday?
Karthik : The match started exactly at 5 pm. Our school played well and scored the first goal before half time immediately after, Brindavan School scored the equalizer.Our school scored the winning goal in the last minute and won the match.
Vijay : Oh! When did you reach home?
Karthik : I reached home very late.
Vijay : By the way who won the match last year?
Karthik : Even last year, our school won the match

newton law


Newton Law 1

Newton Law 1 reads: "The object at rest will keep the situation to remain stationary and moving objects will tend to maintain a straight uniform situation to move straight uniformly in the same direction as long as there are no forces acting on it".

Explanation 1 Newton law is as follows:
The nature of the object to maintain a stationary situation remained silent, moving straight to keep moving uniformly straight regular thing called inertia.

Newton's second law

Newton's second law states that "given the acceleration of an object is proportional to the force and inversely proportional to the style of mass of the body"

Newton's second law explanation is as follows:
In the form of Newton's second law formula can be written as follows
F = m. a
F = force (N).
m = mass of object (kg).
a = acceleration of the object (m/s2).

Newton's third law

Newton's third law states that "Every action force, there will always be the reaction force of equal magnitude but opposite direction."

Explanation of Newton's third law is as follows:
Newton's third law explains that every action force there will be no reaction force of equal magnitude but opposite direction.
Characteristic style action - reaction:
* Equal.
* Opposite direction.
* Working on different things.

waste handling

The waste water that has not undergone processing certainly contains many components - the unwanted components, When discharged to the aquatic environment. Some of them will bring the problem to lack of oxygen. While others may stimulate the growth of certain microorganisms such as algae.Component - component consists of both organic and inorganic materials dissolved or not dissolved. Thus the characteristics of the waste water is important before starting the selection process and design. Waste water is classified into two, namely industrial waste and municipal waste water. Both types of waste water together - often in the same waste in line - the same line or to the body - a body of water such as a river - a river.Lack of awareness is common, especially related to the understanding that the sewage and other waste water unnecessarily processed achieve the same level of cleaning in all conditions.Indeed waste cleanup requires only processing required to dispose of hazardous waste content. Disposal perfect means cleaning waste so as not to endanger the health or cause unsanitary conditions. A possible waste to be cleaned up to the desired level. Objects - solids that float, for example, can be broken down entirely, compounds - organic compounds can be removed completely so that the resulting flow of water is crystal clear and sparkling - a visual sheen that can cause confusion because it is considered as the water from natural springs.At first goal of water treatment is to eliminate imbah suspended and floating materials. Processing of organic materials and reduce microbial pathogens. However, in line with its development, the goal of wastewater treatment is now also related aesthetic and environmental aspects of wastewater treatment can be done naturally or with the aid of equipment.Wastewater treatment naturally is using stabilization ponds consisting of swimming anaerobic, facultative pond and a maturation pond (aerobic). Wastewater treatment equipment using WWTP (Wastewater Treatment Plant). In the WWTP typically consists of processing promer processing, secondary processing, and advanced processing.Primary treatment consists of: the filtration process (screening) is using sand media. Multi media filter, percoal filter and vacuum vilter, and the process of sedimentation (precipitation) assisted with the coagulant (alum). Secondary processing aims to mengkoagulasikan and remove and stabilize colloidal organic substances in wastewater. The second process can be either aerobic or anaerobic (which produces biogas) as a third processing stage microbial removal, for example by chlorination.

air pollution


AIR POLLUTIONNitrogen and oxygen do not react at low temperatures, but at higher temperatures, the two gasit 2 NO (g). ◊ made possible following reaction: N2 (g) + O2 (g) Approximately 10% of theNO gas is produced, further oxidized to form NO and NO2.CampuranNO2 as common air pollutants are marked with the symbol of NOx. NOx in the air is notdirectly toxic to humans, but the NOx reacts with materialsother pollutants and cause the phenomenon of smog (smoke-fog) or smog in the languageUK. This smog cause eye irritation, shortness of breath and plants are layu.Asbuta complex mix of gases and particles of liquids and solids.Smog generated from a series of photochemical reactions (ie chemical reactions under the influencesunshine NO (g) and O (g). ◊ energy of sunlight). NO2 (g) + Motor fuel, as wellproduces unburned hydrocarbons due to the combustion reaction in the motorless than perfect. Hydrocarbons can react with oxygen atoms producedNO2.Reaksi photochemical decomposition of hydrocarbons generates free radicalsvery reaktif.Radikal reacts with NO and NO2 produced again, andseries of repeated reaction and generate free ozon.Radikal it also reactswith O2 and N2 and produce compounds called peroksiasilnitrat (PAN).PAN also gives effect to smog and cause the pain in the eyes.e. Pollutants GranulesAmong the pollutants granules, the most striking thing is smoke and carbon grainscombustion. Pollutants can come from power plants, industry andbermotor.Pencemar vehicle granules may interfere with breathing, vision andaffect the weather.f. Lead pollution in the airLead (Pb) is an air pollutant from exhaust fumesmotor. To produce good combustion and improve the efficiency of the motorfuel, gasoline additives are given, ie Pb (C2H5) 4 or tetra ethyl lead (TEL). Afterundergo combustion in motor, lead is released into the air in the form of oxidelead. Lead is toxic if hard to accumulate in the bodycause permanent damage to brain, blood and other organs.Air quality deterioration due to air pollution is a serious problem citiesin Indonesia. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Indonesiasuffered economic losses of 424.3 million U.S. dollars in 1990 and increasedto 634 million U.S. dollars in 2000 due to air pollution. (Kompas Cyber ​​MediaWednesday, August 14, 2002 edition).3. The impact of pollutants and pollution1. Sulfur compounds resulting perkaratan metal, rock weathering, diseasebroncrutia, etc..2. Pertikulat cause asbestosis, lung disease and cancer.3. Carbon dioxide cause climate change and lead to the Greenhouse Effectcharacterized by rising temperatures.4. Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) resulted in the depletion of the ozone layer are alsocause a rise in temperature of the earth.5. Nitrogen oxides cause acid rain because it can dissolve the acid on the bodyand removing the leaves of a tree dau.6. Hydrocarbons resulting smoke haze formation phytochemicals.7. Oxidizing cause damage to agriculture and human health.The results bermoror combustion from vehicles, factories and heating oractivities carefully at home is the largest source of air pollutioncaused by human activities. Of the many substancesreleased into the atmosphere in this way has been known to be more than 100merupakn contaminants.Solid objects belonging thereto, including more than 20 of them arelogam.Bagian elements of organic compounds is much larger and includes manyall aliphatic hydrocarbons and also fonol, acids and bases and moreother compounds. By the reaction between the contamination was in the air, includingphotochemical reaction, the new compound will add diversity of compoundspollution. Air pollution is usually caused by exhaust emissions or pollutantscaused by the production process such as effluent plants, motor vehicles, andhouseholds.C. IMPACT OF POLLUTION1. For healthThe substance of pollutants contained in the air can enter the body through a system ofpernapasan.Jauhnya penetration of contaminants into the body depending on the type ofpollutants. Large particulates can persist in the upper respiratory tract,while the small-sized particulates and gases can reach the lungs. From the lungs,contaminants absorbed by the circulatory system and spread throughout the body.Health impact of the most common are respiratory (respiratory tract infectionacute), including, asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory disorders.Some contaminants are categorized as toxic and carcinogenic. ADB studyestimate the impact of air pollution in Jakarta associated with deathpremature, hospital care, working days effectively reduced, and respiratory infection in1998 amounting to 1.8 trillion dollars and will increase to 4.3 trillion rupiah inin 2015. In an analysis of 12 years of research, concluded that the influenceshort term from increased pollution, which improved the symptoms of asthma andability of lung function. The analysis is based on data collected from acquisitionNational Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Inner-City Asthma Study(ICAS) tested 861 children aged 5-12 years old and have asthma. Here aresome biological mechanisms of how air pollutants trigger symptoms of the disease:a. Inflammatory reactions / inflammation in the lungs, for example due to PM orozon.Terbentuknya free radical / oxidative stress, such as PAHs (polyaromatichydrocarbons)b. . Covalent modification of the protein as an important intracellular enzymeswho works in the body.c. Biological components that induce inflammation / inflammation and impaired systemsimmunity, such as group glucans and endotoxinsd. Stimulation of the autonomic nervous system that regulates and nosioreseptor the heart andairway.e. Effect of adjuvant (not directly activate the immune system) to the systemimmunity, such as transition metal group and DEP / diesel exhaust particulate.f. Procoagulant effects that can interfere with blood circulation and easespollutants spread throughout the body, such as ultrafine PM.Menurunkan systemnormal body defenses (eg, by pressing a function of alveolar macrophages in the lungs).Table 2.Pengaruh air pollution on the health of short-term and long-termShort-term exposure• Treatment in a hospital, a visit to the emergency or routine visitsdoctors, due to diseases related to respiration (breathing) and cardiovascular.• Reduced daily activities due to pain• The number of absences (work or school)• Acute symptoms (cough, tightness, respiratory infections)• Physiological changes (such as lung function and blood pressure)Long-term exposure• Deaths due to respiratory disease / respiratory and cardiovascular• Increased incidence and prevalence of chronic lung disease (asthma, lung diseaseChronic osbtruktif)• Impaired fetal growth and development• CancerSource: WHO and ATS (American Thoracic Society) 20052. Greenhouse EffectThe sun's rays penetrate the earth's surface senagian absorbed by the earth, somereflected back into the air again. Carbon dioxide (CO2) resulting from smokemotor vehicles, factories, household or kitchen called greenhouse gases. Greenhouseexcessive air will come together to form a coating of clear andnot colored. The air layer umbrella and cover the earth.Layer containing greenhouse gases, properties can be penetrated by lightbut it can not be the sun reflecting back into the air. Thussunlight that falls to the surface of the earth will be trapped greenhouse gases.Sunlight is trapped in the atmosphere will raise the temperature of the surroundingbe hotter than usual. The heat that is felt when it was like when he wasthe house kaca.Itulah why it is called the greenhouse effect.Dampat greenhouse effect on life on earth is a declineair quality due to increased air temperatures that will occur if the temperature of the earth intoheat include:• polar ice melt causing sea levels to rise, so the beach areaand small islands to sink.• The air is too hot is not good for plants so that agriculture will be damaged andproduksiakan reduced.3. Damage Ozone LayerCurrently, the ozone layer is thinning, even above the south pole is formedempty circles and quite besar.Lapisan air layer of stratospheric ozone is.It has a chemical greenhouse O3 is ozone Latin name. That is why it is calledthe ozone layer.The ozone layer is a layer of air that has violet light absorbing propertiesmatahari.Dengan rays coming from the ultraviolet rays of the ozone layerall fell to the surface fraction bumi.Hanya ultravioletup to the surface of the earth according to human needs.Effect of ozone on human life are as follows:a. When too much ultraviolet light falling onto the surface of the earth, it will beharm living things will even cause death.b. When the ultraviolet rays of the ozone layer, then most will be absorbed. Only a small fraction to the surface of the earth.c. If the ozone layer is not there then most will Ultraviolet rays untilsurface of the earth. When this occurs, the surface of the earth will not existlife as it is now.The process of ozone destruction is as follows:• The ozone layer will react with certain substances that get into the layer. Substancesreacts with it such as fluorocarbon coating.• fluorocarbon found in many man-made items such as refrigerators,air conditioner, perfume spray foam and spray insecticide.• Fluorocarbon that soared into the air will enter the next ozone kelapisanFluorocarbon will take the ozone layer so the layer is reduced.• If this happens, secar constantly then the ozone layer will break down the longerthinner even be lost.What if the thinning ozone layer? Ultraviolet light will course through thethe earth's surface in amounts that exceed the threshold. If ultraviolet raysExcessive down to the earth's surface will affect the lives of people betweenother:• Can lead to skin cancer.• Can cause eye cataracts.• Can lead to yumbuh tanman not so difficult for farmers to growplanting.4. Acid RainAcid rain occurs due to mixing of sulfate, nitrate, and oxide. CompoundThe rain reacts with water to produce compounds, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, andbicarbonate acid.What is the impact of acid rain on human life:a. Water with acidity as it can damage the plant.b. Corrode metal objects, damaging the marble, and concrete.c. In rivers and lakes will affect freshwater life such as fish, Planton,and other biota.CONCLUSIONPollution is the inclusion of living things, matter, energy, or other components incausing environmental changes in order environment by human activities.Pollution means the entry of contaminants (pollutants) as a result of the activities manisiaor the natural processes found in place, time, and amount improperly.Pollution can be encountered, such as in soil, water, air, noise bahkam of the motor,AIR POLLUTION

Selasa, 20 November 2012

hukum newton


Hukum 1 Newton

Hukum 1 Newton berbunyi: “Benda yang dalam keadaan diam akan mempertahankan keadaannya untuk tetap diam dan benda yang sedang bergerak lurus beraturan akan cenderung mempertahankan keadaannya untuk bergerak lurus beraturan dalam arah yang sama selama tidak ada gaya yang bekerja padanya”.

Penjelasan hukum 1 Newton adalah sebagai berikut :
Sifat benda untuk mempertahankan keadaannya yang diam tetap diam, yang bergerak lurus beraturan tetap bergerak lurus beraturan disebut inersia benda.

Hukum 2 Newton

Hukum 2 Newton berbunyi “Percepatan sebuah benda yang diberi gaya adalah sebanding dengan besar gaya dan berbanding terbalik dengan massa benda

Penjelasan hukum 2 Newton adalah sebagai berikut :
Dalam bentuk rumus hukum 2 Newton dapat dituliskan sbb
F = m . a
F = gaya (N).
m = massa benda (kg).
a = percepatan benda (m/s2).

Hukum 3 Newton

Hukum 3 Newton berbunyi “Setiap ada gaya aksi, maka akan selalu ada gaya reaksi yang besarnya sama tetapi arahnya berlawanan”.

Penjelasan hukum 3 Newton adalah sebagai berikut :
Hukum 3 Newton menjelaskan bahwa setiap ada gaya aksi akan timbul gaya reaksi yang besarnya sama tetapi arahnya berlawanan.
Ciri gaya aksi – reaksi :
* besarnya sama.
* arah berlawanan.
* bekerja pada benda yang berlainan.