Minggu, 09 Desember 2012

adam hellen

Adam Hellen Keller was born a healthy child in Tuscumbia, Alabama, United States on June 27, 1880 at a place known as the "Ivy Green". From his father, he was a descendant of Alexander Spottswood a colonial governor of Virginia who also has a relationship with the family a family of heroes-North America. From his mother, he has a blood relationship with the families of New England including Hales, Everetts and the Adamses. His father was Captain Arthur Keller, a North Alabamian newspaper editor. Captain Arthur Keller also has a strong interest in the public life and was an influential person in their environment. In 1885 under the Cleveland administration, he was appointed Marshal for North Alabama.
Diseases that afflict Helen Keller at the age of 19 months makes it deaf and blind before he knew how to read and write. At that time he allegedly suffered from brain fever and perhaps now more accurately known as scarlet fever. Because the disease is in line with its growth, she became a wild child and disobedient, and clearly does not know the world around him.
The life of Helen Keller, who only started in March 1887 when he was about 7 years old. Today it is the most important day that she always remembered his life, he was the arrival of a woman from Tuscumbia Anne Mansfield Sullivan who became his teacher. Miss Sullivan, a woman in her 20s special blind school graduate named Perkin School. He is a man who gets his sight back through a series of operations. He came up unjuran sympathetic Alexander Graham Bell who is a family acquaintance Anne. As of today, Edua person, a teacher-student inseparable until his death in early 1936.
Miss Sullivan began his task to change a child's uncontrolled figure success by delivering a doll that is made of children from Perkin school (a special school for the disabled are then made for Helen). With spell doll (dolls) by hand, he hopes to connect objects with letters. Helen apparently learned quickly with the right method as well, but he does not know how to pronounce the words. For several days, he had a lot to learn to spell new words, but in a way that can not be understood by others.
One day he and his "guru"-a call to Helen Sullivan and forth to open the well pump. Miss Sullivan began pumping water and put Helen's hand under tap water. As soon as the water touched her hand, she tries to slowly spell the word 'water (water) with the other hand helen then faster and faster. Suddenly, the signals that can be understood by the mind of Helen. He eventually figured out that the water (water) is an exceptional cold flowing hand. Once he understood, he stopped and touched the ground and asked for her spelling. At nightfall, he had to learn 30 new words.
When he tasted education, he quickly learned to master the alphabet, both manual and special embossed for the blind as well as increase the ability to read and write. In 1890, when she was 10, she tried to learn to speak. Somehow he knew that a deaf-blind girl in Norway has been able to speak well. Miss Sarah Fuller at the Horace Mann School was the first to be a vocal teacher for him.
Since he was little, he always said one day I would go to college and eventually he proved it. In 1898, he managed to get into school for young ladies Cambrige before she entered Radcliffe College in autumn 1900 and finish school in 1904 with the achievement Cumlaude. During the following years until his death in 1936, Anne Sullivan was always by his side, constantly spelling book after book, lecture by lecture with her hand.
His formal education ended when he received a Bachelor of Arts, but during his life he always learned informally the things that are important to modern society. With extensive knowledge and many achievements in education, he was awarded an honorary doctorate from the university and harvard university temple seta from Glasgow University in Scotland; Berlin, Germany; Delhi, India, and Witwatersran in Johannesburg South Africa. He is also an honorary participant institute for education in Scotland.
In 1905, Anne Sullivan married John Macy, a critic and a prominent socialist. Marriage does not change the teacher-pupil relationship. Helen ended up staying with Anne and her husband. Both continue to provide education and activity time for Helen. During still a student at Radcliffe, Helen began his career writing and then practiced for nearly 50 years. In 1903, The story of My Llife (my story) appeared in serialized form in the Ladies Home Journal, and later appeared in book form. The work of the most popular and have been translated into 50 languages ​​including Marathi, Pusthu, Tagalog and Vedu. Also made in the form of a thin book editions in the United States. Another publication is: Optimistic; An Essay; The World I Live In; The song of the stone wall; Out of the Dark; My Religion; Midstream-my later life; Peace at Eventide; Helen Keller in Scotland; Helen Keller's Journal; Let us have faith; Teacher, Anne Sullivan Macy and the open door.
Helen Keller is a strong woman who was the inspiration for the world, and he was known as a fighter for women's rights, advocates for the disabled as well as productive and successful author.
Helen Keller could prove that physical limitations can not curb people to be successful, as long as there is confidence, hard work and passion.

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