Minggu, 09 Desember 2012

Air pollution and treatment

Clean air is beneficial to human life, but instead are exposed to air pollution is very bad for the health and lives of living beings, especially human life. Air pollution occurs as the negative effects of development in developing countries, industries in developed countries, nature activities, and so forth. Broadly divided into particulate air pollution and gas pollution.

Particulate matter (particles) is the air pollution that can be jointly materials / other forms of pollution, all kinds of particulates:

a. Aerosol: the spread of fine particles of solids or liquids in the gas or air.
b. Mist (fog): a form of aerosol droplets in the air.
c. Smoke (smoke): a mixture of solids and liquids blown grains floating in the air.
d. Dust (dust): aerosol in the form of granules suspended in the air due to wind gusts.
e. Fume: aerosols originating from the metal vapor condensation.
f. Plume: smoke coming out of an industrial chimney.
g. Smoge: a mixture of smoke and fog.

Here are all kinds of emissions:

a. Sulfur Dioxide (SO2): produced by coal, fuel oil containing sulfur, pertanah waste incineration and industrial processes. Impact: irritant effect on the airways, causing cough and shortness of breath.

b. Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S): results from the crater of the mountain is still active and can cause a bad odor, can damage the sense of smell (olfactory nervous)

c. Nitrogen Oxide (N2O), nitrogen monoxide (NO), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2): these gases come from various types of combustion, motor vehicle exhaust gases, explosives, fertilizer plants. Effect: disrupt the respiratory system and respiratory system weaken the lungs and airway so that the lungs vulnerable to infection.

d. Ammonia (NH3): derived from industrial processes. Ammonia raises unpleasant smell stung. And can cause respiratory disorders, bronchitis, impair sense of smell.

e. Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Hydrocarbons: all combustion produces gases, as well as industrial processes. Gas is a systematic effect, for poisoning the body by binding to the vital hemoglobin oxygenation of body tissues as a result when the brain is deprived of oxygen can cause death. In small amounts can cause thought disorder, muscle movement, heart disorders.

If emissions were excluded from an activity does not comply with emission standards, necessary to control the emissions that.

Various emission control devices include:

a. Air Filter: useful for filtering particles that come out in order not to participate serobong released into the environment.

b. Cyclone sediment: sediment particles participating in the emissions with the use of centrifugal force of particles intentionally blown through the tube wall edge cyclone.

c. Gravity settling system: long-form space dirty air flowed slowly so that the particles will settle because of gravity.

d. Electrostatic precipitating: used for particle separation under 5μm. This tool is perfect for cleaning the dirty air in large volumes, the tool is in the form of a cylindrical tube in the middle, given an electrified wire, dirty air and negative ions will be attracted to the walls of the tube, clean air will pass.

e. Wet filter: to separate the non-particle pollution, media separators used are absorbent solution.

f. Specific control / filter sulfur oxides, nitroge

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