Sabtu, 08 Desember 2012

Characteristics of Living Things

Characteristics of Living ThingsWhy rock called inanimate creature, while the creature is called the tree of life? Do you remember that only living things that have the characteristics of life. The characteristics of life is breathing, moving, eating, remove the waste, grow, reproduce, and adapt to stimuli sensitive.● BreathingThe main characteristic of living beings are said to breathe. When breathing beings inhale oxygen (O2) and exhale carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Oxygen is necessary for the oxidation of food substances that produce energy and carbon dioxide. Useful energy to run the activities of life.Oxidation reaction as follows:Substance food + oxygen -> energy + carbon dioxide + water vapor.● MoveThere are two kinds of motion are active motion and passive motion. Active motion is a motion to adjourn such as legs, wings and fins. Passive motion as indicated by the plant. Plants can not move, but the move in part of his body.For example, the motion of leaves furl, facing rod motion light, motion roots approaching spring bloom and motion.● Sensitive to stimuliLiving things are sensitive to changes around them. The tool environment recognition in humans and animals in the form of the senses. Indra sensitive to stimuli. Stimuli can be either light, sound, smell, taste or touch. Given the sensitive sensory stimuli such, humans and animals have the ability to see, hear, smell, taste and touch sense / feeling.Plants do not have the senses, but is sensitive to stimuli. For example, plant leaves menguncupkan shy daughter to the touch and stem growth toward sunlight.● Eat
Food is needed by living things as a source of energy, for growth and replace the damaged cells. Green plants obtain food by producing their own. Green plants as producers cultivate inorganic substances into organic matter through photosynthesis.Photosynthesis is the process of making food by green plants with the help of light.Plants not berhijau leaves, animals and humans can not make their own food. They use food from the photosynthesis of green plants and other sources of animals and nature.● Removing the remaining substances
breatheIn the process of absorption of food, it becomes waste materials are substances that are not absorbed by the body. These substances are called biological oxidation of waste materials, such as water and carbon dioksida.Berdasarkan body activity and results, expense substances distinguished above the rest: excretion, respiration, defecation.• Excretion, is spending the rest of the substances carried by the skin and kidneys. The skin will secrete substances called residual sweat because of the sweat glands under the skin. The kidneys filter blood and will secrete substances called residual urine.• Respiration, is spending the rest of CO2 as a substance released during respiration through the nose.• defecation, is spending the rest of the digestion of food substances in the form of stool (feces) through the anus.● GrowingLiving things undergo growth and development. The growth includes changes in body size, the wide, height and weight. The development is the change into adulthood.● Developing BiakLiving things reproduce to produce offspring. How the proliferation of different living things. Animals breed among others by giving birth, spawn, spawn-delivery, budding, fragmentation or splitting. Plants reproduce naturally and artificially.Breeding naturally in plants is by seeds (mating) and the unmarried, for example divide, spores, shoots, tubers, and roots geragih stay. Perkembangbikan artificial plants, such as cuttings, grafting, duck and tissue culture.● AdaptLiving beings are able to adapt to the environment. Various adaptations of living things is a morphological adaptation, adaptive behavior, and physiological adaptation.Morphology Adaptation is the adjustment to the environment associated with the shape of the body or organ. Examples on frogs and ducks are swimming in selapu legs to swim.Adaptation is the adjustment of behavior to the environment in the form of behavior. Example: animals migrate to other places that many food sources.Adaptation is a physiological adaptation to the environment in the form of behavior. Example: sweating during hot weather.Of the characteristics mentioned above there are differences between the characteristics of life owned animals / humans and plants, among other things:Animal / Human1.Bergerak: Exercising moving.2.Cara obtain food: Can not make their own food (heterotrophic). Material-eaten in the form of organic matter.3.Pertumbuhan: Only to a certain agePlant1.Bergerak: Unable to move themselves.2.Cara obtain food: It can make its own food (autotrophs), materials needed to make the food in the form of inorganic substances3.Pertumbuhan:. Grows continuously until death.

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